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Hooks & Hairs

Not sure how many out there built rods before they tied flies, but for me it was exactly that way. Fly tying is a beautiful addition to building fly rods and fly reels and for me probably one of the most interesting differences to conventional fishing. Creating your own bait out of fur and hairs to fool a fish - it doesn't get much better. 


I like to fish good looking flies. With nice colors, nice proportions. Of course, we all do. But for me, a "good looking" fly is just not enough. It has to be perfect. Spot on. Deadly. You have to love it, from the bottom of your heart. Every hair of it, so you can make those casts with all the trust you have. 


Its time well spent, believe me. The fly is the only thing of your gear the fish will see in the end.

- Streamer in a vise -

- Working on a Salmon tube fly -

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